Welcome to White Heather - Manx Sailing Fishing Boat
White Heather could justifiably claim to be the ultimate example of the
evolution of the Manx sailing fishing boat.
For almost a thousand years boats were built on the Isle of Man to fish the Irish Sea under the power of sail alone.
Very shortly after White Heather was built the whole industry changed for ever. The internal combustion engine arrived and vessels like White Heather, built purely for best performance under sail, were suddenly dinosaurs out of their time.
In this website I have tried to share my experiences with White Heather over the fifteen years. She is an enormous part of my life and represents the most influential element of that life after my family.
This is also a great opportunity to thank some of the huge number of people who have helped me over the years.
Mike Clark - October 2004
Contact me on mclark@manx.net where I would love to hear comments on the boat or site.
NEWS | Updated May 2010 - Itinerary page, Gallery page |